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Biopsychosocial contexts influence adult cognitive functioning concurrently and longitudinally
Childhood ADHD, going beyond the brain : a meta-analysis on peripheral physiological markers of the heart and the gut
Implementation of an Ask Me 3 education video to improve outcomes in post-myocardial infarction patients
“Making peace” with bodies and sexual selves : changes during COVID-19 among adults in the United States
Prosocial orientation and COVID‐19 vaccine willingness in the U.S.
An exploratory study of digital inequities and work in the redevelopment of a southeastern American city
Contextualizing the experiences of Black pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic : ‘It’s been a lonely ride’
Auditory processing difficulties influence on perceptual learning
Optimizing recruitment for qualitative research : a comparison of social media, emails, and offline methods
Examining the roles of neuroticism and extraversion with social support on depression : potential pathways to enhance mental health
Visualizing alignment in joint attention
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Online mindfulness intervention for inflammatory bowel disease : adherence and efficacy
Mindfulness-informed guided imagery to target physical activity : a mixed method feasibility and acceptability pilot study
Low-dose metformin as a monotherapy does not reduce non-small-cell lung cancer tumor burden in mice
Low-dose metformin treatment reduces in vitro growth of the LL/2 non-small cell lung cancer cell line
Assessing the impact of curriculum on open and transparent research practices
Association of sleep attitudes with sleep hygiene, duration, and quality : a survey exploration of the moderating effect of age, gender, race, and perceived socioeconomic status
Sleep attitudes as a predictor of sleep outcomes : a secondary data analysis
H.O.P.E. grows : an academic-public health partnership to reimagine public health services and increase mental health access among socially vulnerable populations